Regenerative Unit
Regenerativna zaviralna enota R1000 je pri namestitvah pogonov z eno ali več osmi, pri katerih motor dolgo deluje regenerativno, pametna in učinkovita alternativa dinamičnemu zaviranju. Enota R1000, primerna za posamezne regenerativne pogone in sisteme inverterskih pogonov, servo os ali robote, dovaja odvečno energijo, ki se ustvarja pri zaviranju, nazaj v omrežje, namesto da bi jo oddajala v obliki toplote.
- Replacing braking resistors saves space and facilitates installation
- Since the resistors do not generate heat, less cooling is required for the switch cabinet; this saves energy and reduces costs
- Provides regenerative energy for other consumers in the plant and, thus, reduces the total power consumption of buildings or factories
- Allows 4-quadrant-operation without braking resistors